I’m Baaaack!!


Wow, guys. Wow. It’s been like, a million years since my last blog post. Life sometimes gets in the way of blogs though, but I really wanted to update and let my lovely followers know what’s been going on the last few months.

Last time I updated, I was a couple months pregnant and Mike and I were engaged. I’m now 7 months pregnant and Mike and I are MARRIED! Gasp! I know, I know.

It all happened so fast. We decided that we didn’t want a huge wedding. Not even a small wedding. We wanted to elope. And boy, did we. This past May, we went to Paris for 16 days and while we were there, got married beneath the Eiffel Tower. We were married on May 28 at 6pm (Paris time) and it was absolutely perfect for us.

wSo now, we’re married and in two months going to have a beautiful little baby! My pregnancy has been going well. I’ve had some painful times. Some restless times. Some crazy times. But also lots of great and wonderful times. Baby is kicking like crazy all the time! I also haven’t gained a whole lot of weight, and still working out and doing my yoga! I seem to have these bursts of energy through the day, which I take advantage of. I’m 7 months pregnant and my belly has finally just popped and STILL people don’t know I’m preggy!

baby4All in all, it’s been a crazy year! And on top of all of that, Mike and I are moving! We’re staying in the same city, just wanting more space and moving soon, which is stressful with a capital stress!

So, that’s that. I’m sure there is way more, but that will be for another post 😉



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Break Down The Wall


What would you do if someone you loved was sick? I’m not talking about sneezing, coughing, runny nose with a fever kind of sick. I mean really sick.

This post will be a little different than my usual ones. I wanted to share with you something my family has gone through, and what we did to overcome and come through it all.

Just over three years ago, my Mommy went in for a physical. A routine, boring old physical. Her next appointment wasn’t nearly as boring. My Mommy was diagnosed with kidney cancer. They told her that the best option, was to have the infected kidney removed. So just months before my wedding (to my ex, back in 2010) she went in for a surgery that most people won’t ever have to think about.

The surgery went well, from my understanding. To be honest, I think some information regarding it all was hidden from me as I was a bride-to-be planning a wedding, and knowing my parents, they didn’t want to add any more to my plate. I think this because I remember not being concerned at all when she went in for the surgery. I remember thinking that it really wasn’t anything to be worried about, and I thank them for keeping it from me only because had I have known the extent of everything then, I may not have been so calm and collected all of the time.

So a year or so went by, maybe longer, I can’t actually remember. Some time went by though and she went in for her 6 month check up and the thing that we were told couldn’t possibly happen, happened. Doctors found a mass on her remaining kidney and believed it to be the same cancer. This time, I remember being more concerned. More aware. More everything. How could this already rare type of cancer, come back for a second round? Hadn’t she kicked it’s ass enough already?

Our family is a tough one. We fight, we taunt, we laugh and we love. We were all prepared to fight this out again, this time for the championship belt.

With the love, support and faith from family, friends and even strangers, my Mom overcame cancer again. She didn’t have to have her other kidney removed or go on dialysis and just a few months ago, they told her that any sign of the cancer had fled. Take that, cancer. You big stupid.

So again I ask, what would you do if someone you loved got sick? It’s not a bad thing to say that you have no idea, because if you were to ask me the same question years ago, I may not have been so quick to answer. Even now, the question for me is difficult to answer because every situation is different. There are others in my life who could potentially become sick. Some, who I love very deeply. All I know for sure is that if something like this or similar to this happens again to someone I love, I’ll never give up and I’ll always be there for them. Always.

Sickness in a loved one is like a brick wall. It starts off small, something you don’t really think too much about. But then the bricks of sickness begin to tower over you, to where eventually you just can’t see each other anymore.

This is why, like me, you should always carry a sledgehammer.



(Love You. Miss You.)