I’m Baaaack!!


Wow, guys. Wow. It’s been like, a million years since my last blog post. Life sometimes gets in the way of blogs though, but I really wanted to update and let my lovely followers know what’s been going on the last few months.

Last time I updated, I was a couple months pregnant and Mike and I were engaged. I’m now 7 months pregnant and Mike and I are MARRIED! Gasp! I know, I know.

It all happened so fast. We decided that we didn’t want a huge wedding. Not even a small wedding. We wanted to elope. And boy, did we. This past May, we went to Paris for 16 days and while we were there, got married beneath the Eiffel Tower. We were married on May 28 at 6pm (Paris time) and it was absolutely perfect for us.

wSo now, we’re married and in two months going to have a beautiful little baby! My pregnancy has been going well. I’ve had some painful times. Some restless times. Some crazy times. But also lots of great and wonderful times. Baby is kicking like crazy all the time! I also haven’t gained a whole lot of weight, and still working out and doing my yoga! I seem to have these bursts of energy through the day, which I take advantage of. I’m 7 months pregnant and my belly has finally just popped and STILL people don’t know I’m preggy!

baby4All in all, it’s been a crazy year! And on top of all of that, Mike and I are moving! We’re staying in the same city, just wanting more space and moving soon, which is stressful with a capital stress!

So, that’s that. I’m sure there is way more, but that will be for another post 😉



w1 w2pariswedding


Gasp! We’re Engaged! And going to Paris! And having a baby!

The title says it all! Mike and I recently got engaged, this past April 5 🙂 He proposed with THE most perfect and beautiful ring of my life.

As some of you know already, we’re expecting our first baby this coming September and couldn’t be happier. Now, we’ve decided to pack up for Paris next month! We’ve never been and we are beyond excited.

My pregnancy is going well, I’m almost 18 weeks and STILL have yet to gain much weight or even much of a belly. But I’m enjoying it all very much.

Just wanted to keep my loyal followers up to speed on life and why I haven’t been updating as much! I sowwie!

I hope you’re all as blessed as I am and I wish you all the most lovely Easter weekend with your friends and family.



Our 1st Sonogram!

Our 1st Sonogram!

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Big News!

Ello everyone!

I know, I know. It’s been like a million years. I took a little break from updating my blogs. Alot has been going on these past few months though, so I think I have an ok excuse 😉

First of all, I’ve been teaching more yoga classes which was great. I love what I do and that’s a wonderful thing to be able to say. Second, I’ve been trying to help my sweetheart, Mike, achieve his dream in writing his very own graphic novel. We’ve been bouncing ideas off of eachother and I know that whatever he comes up with, will be great.

And finally… drum roll… Mike and I are so very happy to announce that we’re having a baby! Yep, that’s right. Yours truly is preggy 🙂 I’m almost 11 weeks now and so far, it’s been a draining but amazing experience. I’ve had “morning” sickness all day, everyday since about week 5 and if anything, I seemed to have LOST weight. But I can’t wait to start showing, and I can’t wait for September when our little one is due to arrive. Mike and I (and our families) are so beyond happy and we can’t wait to be parents. I couldn’t have asked for a better father for my little one 🙂

So I hope you can all forgive me for not updating as much, but like I said, life has got in the way. In the most loveliest of ways ❤

Ps. This is how we announced our news on Facebook. Stick Dinosaur style 😉




Oh man

Oh gosh! Oh no! Oh my. Etc…

I haven’t blogged in like, a million years guys. Ok, that may be slightly dramatic. But it’s been at LEAST a million days. And I am sowwie.

So much has been happening. You guys don’t even know. (Really, you don’t. Because I haven’t blogged in a MILLION DAYS!)

Well, I finished my Hatha yoga teacher training (as most of you know) and it was amazing. I wouldn’t trade the experience for anything. Not even a ride in the Batmobile. Well… Yea no. Not even that.

Now, I’m proud to say that I’m a certified prenatal/postnatal yoga teacher as well! I took a fabulous course with the same great teacher that taught the first training course and I think I found my new hero. Clare (my teach) is amazing. She’s not only a great teacher, but a fabulous mentor and a lovely friend now. And I couldn’t speak more highly of her. Plus, she got me hooked on these new amazing yoga pants that have galaxies and Starwars stuff on them! Oh man. She’s wonderful.

I’mma make this short and sweet, but I wanted to say hi and thank you for your comments and support regarding all things that I post 🙂

I’m still vegan, still gluten free, still a redhead and still use sarcasm as a defense mechanism. So, I’m pretty much the whole package. Oh, and modest. I’m also that 😉

Take care! I shall be posting an amazing fall recipe soon, so keep watching for that!




This is my “Oops, sowwie guys!” face.

Gasp! 100 Followers!



My “gasp” face. Or something.

I started my blogs “The feistiest of them all” & this one, Beautifully Vegan this year as just a little place to go to to collect my thoughts and share my recipes, ideas, jokes, and photos with whoever wanted to see. I never thought that I’d get so many lovely followers, comments and compliments on both blogs. Combined, I have almost 250 followers so far and countless comments and compliments. So for that, I wanna say thank you 🙂

I really am just a simple, yoga loving, smoothie drinking, vegan health nut kinda girl (who also happens to have a charming yet sarcastic wit. Wink.) and it’s nice to know that there are others out there, strangers even, that appreciate who I am and what I have to say.

I have a wonderful family, great friends and probably the greatest love anyone could ever ask for and I’m happy to share all of that, among other things, with you all.

Thank you again, my lovelies 😉



Enjoy Life

Before you say anything, I KNOW! I haven’t updated my bloggy blogs in forever. And I feel just awful about it 😦 I sowwie. Life has been busy though, but here I am. I am back. And ready to share with you an amazing new find that I, well, found!

sub-chocolate-crunch sub-very-berry-crunch sub-cinnamon-raisinEnjoy Life is an amazing brand that I’ve recently discovered. These granolas they have are just the very tip of the gluten free & vegan iceberg! They have bars, cookies, lentil chips, fruit & seed mixes and the list goes on. Best part is that it’s a tasty treat that even I can eat! AND they are healthy for you. Win-Win 😉

Today, I’m focusing just on their granola. I’m really bad when it comes to eating breakfast & lunch. I hate it. I’m never hungry until like, 5pm, usually. But I know I have to eat at least something through the day, especially in the mornings. So I have a tiny cup of this granola with some coconut flavored almond milk and I’m ready to take on the day! Yep, I totally just used that phrase but I don’t care because I just had some granola and I’m feeling energetic enough that I’m ok with using that phrase 😉

The cinnamon one is probably my favorite, but they are all truly amazing. I eat the chocolate one just plain out of the bag, it’s like a little treat! Today I actually mixed a little cinnamon & a little berry together and that was yum city! (Look at all these lame phrases I’m using! And YOU would use them too if you ate this stuff.)

Really guys, try this brand. They are fantastic. They are gluten free, non-GMO and totally allergy friendly 🙂 Let me know what you think! And sorry again for the lack of posts the last little while! I still loves ya.



Enjoy Life Website

Gasp! I’m Terrible.

The title says it all, my lovelies. I. Am. Terrible! I haven’t posted on here in forever! Longer than forever even! Life got in the way a little bit, but I promise to continue to grace you with my charm & wit from now on!

…Until the next time I’m terrible.

I’m off to Calgary tomorrow to visit with family & spend some time in Banff as well, which I’m CRAZY excited for! 🙂

I shall post more while I’m there on this bloggy blog and my other one! I hope you’re all doing lovely.



This Instead Of That

I came across this article on Kimberly Snyder’s blog & really enjoyed it, so I thought you might as well! 🙂



While it’s ideal to always sit down and eat properly, sometimes you need foods you can grab and eat on the go. With busy lives, it’s easy to understand how individually packaged convenience snacks have become such a strong marketplace. If you wander the aisles of any grocery store, your mind will boggle at just how many snack choices you have.

Unfortunately, these convenience foods can be detrimental to your health..and your looks. Even those that seem healthy may not be so good for you on closer examination. Here’s a list of 10 seemingly healthy convenience foods and healthy replacements for them:

1. Yogurt

Many people believe yogurt is an extremely healthy snack. In fact, yogurt manufacturers market yogurts as low in fat and calories and beneficial to building healthy gut flora.

Unfortunately, yogurt isn’t nearly as healthy as you have been led to believe. Many yogurts are sweetened with tons of sugar and have artificial flavors and colors. Likewise, yogurt is made from dairy products and contain lactose and high levels of the protein casein, both which are extremely difficult for the human body to process.

Dairy may also contain hormones. According to Harvard University, dairy products account for 60 to 80 percent of all estrogen’s consumed by humans. One study linked dairy consumption to an increased risk of prostate cancer.

Try this instead: Low-sugar coconut milk yogurt.

2. Snackwells

Nabisco’s Snackwells advertise themselves as low-fat, low-calorie versions of popular snacks. The brand has done quite well among those people wishing to lose or maintain weight. Unfortunately, low-fat and low-calorie doesn’t necessarily mean healthy.

A quick glance at the nutrition information for these products shows they contain sugar, salt, wheat flour (gluten), soy (GMO’s), dairy, artificial flavors, artificial colors, and other chemicals.

Try this instead: Gluten-free crackers are convenient and crunchy. You can also find brands made from vegan whole foods that are chemical-free. I like the Mary’s Gone Crackers brand as an easy grab.

3. Granola bars

Along with being high in fat and calories, granola bars often contain sugar and all kinds of chemical ingredients. Some are also coated with an enticing layer of chocolate. Another problem with granola bars may be the oats. Unless they come from a certified gluten-free processing facility (and it usually says so on the label), granola bars may contain trace amounts of gluten.

Gluten is a sticky protein found in wheat, barley, and rye as well as some oats. Gluten is very difficult for the human body to process, and many people suffer from gluten sensitivity that can cause a host of symptoms ranging from mild headaches to the inability to absorb nutrients from food (Celiac disease). One study showed that gluten triggered an immune response in some people, causing the body to treat it like a foreign invader. The result can be a host of symptoms ranging from mild to extremely severe.

Try this instead: Raw, organic almonds, which are equally easy to pack.

4. Diet Soda

Many people consume diet soda because it is non-caloric. While it’s true that diet soda doesn’t have any calories, it has a whole host of other problems, which I discussed in my blog post 8 Dangers of Diet Soda.

Among the many problems with diet soda are included neurotoxic ingredients such as aspartame and highly acidic chemicals that can leech calcium and other minerals from the bones. I never recommend drinking diet soda because it is so toxic.

Try this instead: Pure water with a squeeze of organic lemon or lime

5. Cereal

What could be quicker than a bowl of cereal to get your day started? Millions of Americans start their day in just this way and wind up ingesting genetically modified ingredients (corn, soy), sugar, salt, and empty carbohydrates. If they top their cereal with milk they may also be ingesting hormones.

Try this instead: Have steel-cut oats instead, topped with some cinnamon and even a little stevia. If you are super short on time and must use the  instant kinds, look for lower-in-sugar varieties.

6. Dairy-based smoothies

Many fast food restaurants and grocery stores now offer smoothies as a quick meal replacement. While the smoothies may contain healthful ingredients like fruit and veggies, you may also get more than you bargained for, particularly if the smoothies contain dairy or soy based ingredients, artificial colors and flavors, or preservatives. Others may contain whey protein or agave (a high fructose product). Even if the smoothie is listed as “organic,” it doesn’t necessarily mean it’s healthy.

Try this instead: Try the Chia Seed Delight Recipe. Add a tablespoon of organic raw chia seeds to a cup of unsweetened almond milk. Allow it to soak for about 20 minutes, and then stir in ½ teaspoon of vanilla extract, a little cinnamon, and a little stevia to taste.

7. Veggie chips 

While they may look like vegetables, veggie chips are often deep fried in vegetable oils, including potentially GMO soybean oil. They are usually high in fat, calories, and salt.

Try this instead: Raw, dried kale chips, or even organic brown rice crackers, which are easier to find.

8. Soy nuts

Many people believe these fried or dry roasted soybeans are a healthy alternative to nuts. Unfortunately, soy is very likely to be genetically modified.  Genetically modified soy accounts for 91 percent of the soy crops planted in the United States. You can read more about my major concerns about genetically modified foods in this blog post.

Soy also contains estrogenic compounds that mimic estrogen in the body. According to Environmental Health News, these estrogenic compounds may be harmful to female fertility and reproductive development.

Try this instead: If you’re looking for crunch, sunflower seeds are great.

9. Yogurt covered raisins or pretzels

These sweet treats are high in sugar and calories. They also contain dairy, which we discussed above. The pretzels also contain gluten.

Try this instead: A little bit of organic sulfur-free dried fruit would be a better choice- such as dried papaya.

10. Trail mix

Trail mix often contains milk chocolate, peanuts, and sulfur-containing dried fruits. It may be high in calories and fat. Likewise, peanuts often contain dangerous molds called aflatoxins. According to the Cornell University, aflatoxins are potent carcinogens.

Try this instead: Make your own healthy trail mix with organic raisins or Goji berries and almonds and sunflower seeds.