Gasp! We’re Engaged! And going to Paris! And having a baby!

The title says it all! Mike and I recently got engaged, this past April 5 🙂 He proposed with THE most perfect and beautiful ring of my life.

As some of you know already, we’re expecting our first baby this coming September and couldn’t be happier. Now, we’ve decided to pack up for Paris next month! We’ve never been and we are beyond excited.

My pregnancy is going well, I’m almost 18 weeks and STILL have yet to gain much weight or even much of a belly. But I’m enjoying it all very much.

Just wanted to keep my loyal followers up to speed on life and why I haven’t been updating as much! I sowwie!

I hope you’re all as blessed as I am and I wish you all the most lovely Easter weekend with your friends and family.



Our 1st Sonogram!

Our 1st Sonogram!

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Big News!

Ello everyone!

I know, I know. It’s been like a million years. I took a little break from updating my blogs. Alot has been going on these past few months though, so I think I have an ok excuse 😉

First of all, I’ve been teaching more yoga classes which was great. I love what I do and that’s a wonderful thing to be able to say. Second, I’ve been trying to help my sweetheart, Mike, achieve his dream in writing his very own graphic novel. We’ve been bouncing ideas off of eachother and I know that whatever he comes up with, will be great.

And finally… drum roll… Mike and I are so very happy to announce that we’re having a baby! Yep, that’s right. Yours truly is preggy 🙂 I’m almost 11 weeks now and so far, it’s been a draining but amazing experience. I’ve had “morning” sickness all day, everyday since about week 5 and if anything, I seemed to have LOST weight. But I can’t wait to start showing, and I can’t wait for September when our little one is due to arrive. Mike and I (and our families) are so beyond happy and we can’t wait to be parents. I couldn’t have asked for a better father for my little one 🙂

So I hope you can all forgive me for not updating as much, but like I said, life has got in the way. In the most loveliest of ways ❤

Ps. This is how we announced our news on Facebook. Stick Dinosaur style 😉




Let’s Find A Cure! Rawrrr!


Most of you don’t know this, but my lovely boyfriend Mike was diagnosed several years ago with a Parkinsonism called Dopa Responsive Dystonia. It’s a movement disorder that involves involuntary muscle contractions, tremors, and other uncontrolled movements due to lack of dopamine in the brain. With proper medication, he can calm his symptoms and is more or less, a pretty normal guy. However, for the past year we have noticed a change in his symptoms which we, and doctor’s, fear to be Early Onset il_fullxfull.394122359_39v2Parkinsons Disease. 

He’s still the normal, sarcastic, talented guy I’ve always adored, but as this disease continues in him, symptoms will worsen with time and that’s why we need to find a cure for this, right meow!

I love this boy. He’s truly my everything, and I refuse to sit back and watch this diagnosis get the best of us. I won’t let that happen. He’s too smart, too talented and too young to be going through this and to think that who he is right now could slip away over time, breaks my heart into a million pieces. I can’t, I won’t, I SHANT let that happen! (Yep. I totes said shant. And totes.) 

Mike and I are taking part in the 2013 Parkinson Alberta Step ‘N’ Stride Walk, this September in Edmonton. Please go to our comic regarding it, read the FAQ and if you can, help us by sponsoring our walk. If you can’t help us in that way, please leave a comment or re-blog this to your own page and keep us in your thoughts and/or prayers.

Mike and I are a strong couple. We’ve been through so much together and I couldn’t ask for a better relationship. Please, help us find a cure.

Stick Dinosaurs Step ‘N’ Stride Comic



Challenge Accepted


I’ve been on a bit of a hot yoga kick the last little while. I bought a two week pass to a studio near my place, that I hadn’t tried before. I’ve gone every morning for the last 9 days. One of those days was at a different studio, a Bikram one, but I much prefer the new one I found. Bikram is great if you’re looking for a challenging workout, but in my opinion it doesn’t do much for your mind or soul. It does a heck of alot for your body though! But I look for more than just a good workout in my practice.

So far, every teacher at my new favorite studio is amazing and different in their own unique way. It would be difficult for me to choose a favorite instructor, as they are all lovely 🙂 Even the one guy, he’s lovely too. Haha.

I’ve challenged myself to go to a class as often as I can and also continue my practice at home. It’s already been rewarding to me, in so many ways. Not only do I attend a 90 minute, hot yoga power class every morning, but I walk to and from the studio. And I’ve noticed that walking to the studio, my mind is racing with so many things and it feels very heavy. But when I’m walking back after my practice, my mind is clear. Light. Peaceful. And that’s a wonderful feeling.

I’ve been setting the alarm every morning and leaving for my class as early as I can. Even when I don’t get much sleep the night before, I still push myself up and out the door. Mike sent me a wonderful text while I was in class this morning. It read:

“I’m proud of you for doing the yogas sweetie, even when you’re not feeling great and tired. For reals.”

That simple little text, brought tears to my eyes. It made me feel like I was on the right track, and the fact that I’ve made him proud means so much to me. I know I’ve made so many other people proud as well, and that means alot also. More importantly though, I’ve made myself proud of, well, myself.

My yoga teacher training course begins in just a few weeks, and I know it’s going to be hard. It’s going to be intense. It’s going to challenge me.

And I’m ready for it. Rawrr.



Break Down The Wall


What would you do if someone you loved was sick? I’m not talking about sneezing, coughing, runny nose with a fever kind of sick. I mean really sick.

This post will be a little different than my usual ones. I wanted to share with you something my family has gone through, and what we did to overcome and come through it all.

Just over three years ago, my Mommy went in for a physical. A routine, boring old physical. Her next appointment wasn’t nearly as boring. My Mommy was diagnosed with kidney cancer. They told her that the best option, was to have the infected kidney removed. So just months before my wedding (to my ex, back in 2010) she went in for a surgery that most people won’t ever have to think about.

The surgery went well, from my understanding. To be honest, I think some information regarding it all was hidden from me as I was a bride-to-be planning a wedding, and knowing my parents, they didn’t want to add any more to my plate. I think this because I remember not being concerned at all when she went in for the surgery. I remember thinking that it really wasn’t anything to be worried about, and I thank them for keeping it from me only because had I have known the extent of everything then, I may not have been so calm and collected all of the time.

So a year or so went by, maybe longer, I can’t actually remember. Some time went by though and she went in for her 6 month check up and the thing that we were told couldn’t possibly happen, happened. Doctors found a mass on her remaining kidney and believed it to be the same cancer. This time, I remember being more concerned. More aware. More everything. How could this already rare type of cancer, come back for a second round? Hadn’t she kicked it’s ass enough already?

Our family is a tough one. We fight, we taunt, we laugh and we love. We were all prepared to fight this out again, this time for the championship belt.

With the love, support and faith from family, friends and even strangers, my Mom overcame cancer again. She didn’t have to have her other kidney removed or go on dialysis and just a few months ago, they told her that any sign of the cancer had fled. Take that, cancer. You big stupid.

So again I ask, what would you do if someone you loved got sick? It’s not a bad thing to say that you have no idea, because if you were to ask me the same question years ago, I may not have been so quick to answer. Even now, the question for me is difficult to answer because every situation is different. There are others in my life who could potentially become sick. Some, who I love very deeply. All I know for sure is that if something like this or similar to this happens again to someone I love, I’ll never give up and I’ll always be there for them. Always.

Sickness in a loved one is like a brick wall. It starts off small, something you don’t really think too much about. But then the bricks of sickness begin to tower over you, to where eventually you just can’t see each other anymore.

This is why, like me, you should always carry a sledgehammer.



(Love You. Miss You.)

Vote For Us!

Ello, my lovelies!

I need to ask you all for a favor. For those of you that use Twitter, please Tweet the following:

I want to see @raptorsaurusrex on Comic Chameleon, the ultimate webcomics iPhone app! via @comicchameleon

Ok, now let me explain… Basically this is an an APP for the iphone (and soon Android) that streams webcomics.

The app was just released two days ago with 25 webcomics on it. Big ones. And soon they will make it so that anyone with a webcomic can have theirs in the program. But that part of the program is still in Beta so Mike and I want to be one of the first to be a part of it so that we will get thousands of viewers every day.

They are only choosing a handful of webcomics to add during the beta so they set up an algorithm that counts tweets as votes. The more people that say “I want to see @raptorsaurusrex on Comic Chameleon, the ultimate webcomics iPhone app! via @comicchameleon” , the more votes we’ll have.

So please, PLEASE help us out. I know it means alot to us (especially Mike) to be apart of this Beta for our webcomic, Stick Dinosaurs.

I want to do anything and everything I can to help make this happen. So please help us, and I’ll be your bestest friend forEVER! (That means for always!)

Thank you in advance.



This is the comic for today, May 9/2013 :)

This is the comic for today, May 9/2013 🙂

Missing You

This past weekend was a lovely one. Mike and I drove to Calgary to visit with my family and spend some time in Banff. We had such a lovely time.

I decided I needed some extra family time, so I’m staying in Calgary for the next few days or maybe longer, we shall see. Mike left last night and made it safely back to Edmonton. I remember when we used to have a long distance relationship when we first started going out, and the hardest part was always those last few minutes before one of us left the other to go home. It kinda felt like that all over again last night.

But, it’s been lovely seeing my family and Mike will be back soon to get me and take me back. It’s just hard being away from him, is all. I’m sure most of you know the feeling. This whole “missing you” emotion really is a hard one. I sure do love that boy 🙂

On another note, it’s absolutely gorgeous here in Calgary! I’ve already went for a long run, took my puppy Vienna out for a long walk and enjoyed my smoothie and Beauty Detox Foods book on the patio! And it’s not even 10am yet! I really forgot how much I loved this area of the city too, so calm and pretty. Right beside a huge natural park. My parents are lucky ducks to live here 🙂

I’ve attached some of the photos from our little day trip to Banff. It was Mikes first time there too! I’m happy I was able to be his lovely tour guide.



Yea, we're pretty adorable.
Yea, we’re pretty adorable.


Beautiful Mountains!
Beautiful Mountains!

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Banff, AB.
Banff, AB.


Gasp! I’m Terrible.

The title says it all, my lovelies. I. Am. Terrible! I haven’t posted on here in forever! Longer than forever even! Life got in the way a little bit, but I promise to continue to grace you with my charm & wit from now on!

…Until the next time I’m terrible.

I’m off to Calgary tomorrow to visit with family & spend some time in Banff as well, which I’m CRAZY excited for! 🙂

I shall post more while I’m there on this bloggy blog and my other one! I hope you’re all doing lovely.



Another Day, Another Publication!

MindBodyGreen is wonderful. They have published a number of my recipes on their site, and I’ve always gotten lovely comments and feedback from people because of that. Now, they have published an article that I wrote!

Here’s the link!

My MindBodyGreen Article

